Client name: DGH - Gabonese Hydrocarbons Directorate
Name of the project: Development of Petroleum Sector HSSE Standards
Description of project and customer issues
The DGH (Gabonese Hydrocarbons Directorate) is a department within the Gabonese Ministry of Petroleum and Hydrocarbons. As part of the Ministry’s plan to improve oversight of O&G activities in the country, the DGH requested Aegide International’s assistance in order to develop a national HSSE standard.
Activities / Tasks and Solutions developed by Aegide International
This project covered the following activities:
- Benchmarking of international best practices
- Development of a national standard
- Coordination with the DGH legal team to embed these standards and prescriptions within the existing legislative framework.
- Development of guidelines and inspection standards for the Enforcer to operationalize the new HSSE standards
- Training and capacity building of DGH staff on inspection guidelines and standards
Project results
Following the development of these HSSE standards, new directives were issued by the Ministry and have resulted in the enforcement of new safety standards at the national level. This has resulted in standardization in the sector and alignment by operators.