Eramet - Operational safety audit

Client name : Eramet (
Name of the project : Audit des exigences essentielles de sécurité

Description of project and customer issues

Eramet is a French mining and metallurgy company with operations in Europe, North America, Africa and Oceania. In a bid to standardize corporate safety standards across its operations, Eramet solicited Aegide to conduct an international audit campaign based on Eramet Essential Safety Requirements. This project covered 25 mining sites in 6 countries (France, Gabon, New Caledonia, Norway, Senegal, USA).

Activities / Tasks and Solutions developed by Aegide International

Several auditing teams were deployed to:

  • Review site-specific management systems
  • Interview key personnel
  • Observe critical operations
  • Assist in the task of developing corrective action plans
  • Assist in the implementation of these action plans

Project results

The principal outcome of the project has been the development of a standardized and shared understanding of how well different sites conform to the corporate safety standards. It has also allowed for sites to used corporate guidelines as a basis for the development and deployment of safety action plans.


See other case studies


Safety golden rules drafting guidelines

In our previous article, we laid the foundations of the approach by exploring the importance of implementing safety golden rules. In this new article, we're going to explain the second stage, which is just as crucial to ensuring a proper implementation: Drafting the safety golden rules.

All the case studies

Assistance Technique

Aegide International seconded one of its employees to successively manage 2 HSE projects.


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