Once the company's Safety Golden Rules have been identified – a succession of complex steps in terms of data processing - and then drafted, which enables the main output elements to be addressed and integrated into the company's safety management system, the golden rules need to be communicated and disseminated to all the stakeholders.
Safety Golden Rules communication process
Once the golden rules have been drafted in clear, concise sentences and approved by the SteerCo members, the communication process can begin.
It is divided into three steps described below:
- Creation of a visual identity for the approach,
- Creation of the internal and external communication medias (posters, etc.),
- Creation of the sensitization materials.

As part of a complementary project, Aegide International can act as a facilitator, guiding the SteerCo in the development of the various media. Or as an advisor to carry out the various developments, involving its own resources. Finally, the SteerCo approves the content and agrees to release the Safety Golden Rules.
Safety Golden Rules Internal communication
The communication process is fundamental, as it ensures that all staff and stakeholders have the same level of information.
The communication process is different from a company to another. Some companies will choose to introduce the Golden Rules through a general presentation to all employees via a webinar, while others will prefer to organize a safety day with activities on each of the Safety Golden Rules.
Actually, there are no miracle communication tools, the essential is to know how effective your communication process is, to ensure it conveys effectively the message and mindset to adopt to all your employees and stakeholders. An effective communication process can be likened to a significant improvement in the company's safety performance. To achieve this, it is essential to define key performance indicators and monitor them on a regular basis.
The commitment and leadership of Top Management, Supervisor and HSE Department
The commitment of each management level and HSE department is essential during the communication and sensitization steps, as they are the “guardian” of the proper dissemination, understanding and application of the Safety Golden Rules.
Regular interactions between management and operational staff, through toolbox talk, pre-shift meeting, HSE visits and feedback from the field, are a lever for raising awareness and measuring the level of appropriation.
Observations are to be consolidated and discussed during periodical SteerCo meeting, with the aim of identifying areas for improvement in terms of Safety Golden Rules content and means of communication to be implemented.
Once established, the company must ensure that its Safety Golden Rules are adhered to, thus ensuring the approach sustainability. In the event of a breach of a Safety Golden Rule, it is essential to initiate the internal sanction process, and to communicate on the breaches to prevent occurrence.
External communications
The Aegide International team has carried out a study of 25 Safety Golden Rules initiatives, that companies in various sectors have communicated on the Internet. It is interesting to note that companies are now communicating their Safety Golden Rules to the general public, as proof of their commitment to occupational health and safety prevention.
The challenge of external communication on the company's Safety Golden rules is twofold: to demonstrate to potential new recruits the management's commitment to enhance the health and safety of its employees. And to highlight the company's approach to external stakeholders - subcontractors, customers and institutions - with a view to promoting best practices and safety expectations within the framework of an agreement or partnership.