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Training - Nebosh EMC

Environmental Management Certificate


The NEBOSH Environmental Management Certificate is a globally relevant qualification. You will be able to help your organisation manage its positive and negative environmental aspects and support the implementation and continuous improvement of effective environmental management systems.

Persons concerned

This qualification is designed for anyone who has responsibilities for managing environmental issues as part of their work. The qualification is designed to be globally relevant and benefit companies in all industry sectors who are seeking to implement effective environmental management systems, increase positive environmental impacts, and reduce negative environmental impacts.

Learning objectives

At the end of the training, the participant will be able to:

Course Content

■ Fundamentals of environmental management
■ Environmental management systems
■ Assessing environmental aspects and impacts
■ Planning for and dealing with environmental emergencies
■ Air emission control
■ Control of environmental noise
■ Control of contamination of water sources
■ Control of waste and land use
■ Sources and use of energy and energy efficiency

Unit EMC1: Environmental management Open book examination
Unit EMC2: Assessing environmental aspects and associated impacts Practical assessment

Dates & modalités

April 7, 2025

On demand



price list

1890 € TTC

This price includes training, registration fees for the Nebosh exams and training materials.

Do not hesitate to contact us for this in-company training.

Daily rate from €800 excluding VAT.
Minimum lead time: 15 days from order confirmation.


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