Oxy Qatar - Operational safety audit

Client name : Oxy Qatar (www.oxy.com)
Name of the project : Audit tiers

Description of project and customer issues

Occidental Petroleum of Qatar Ltd (OPQL) is the Qatar-based subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum Corporation (Oxy). Oxy is an American multinational Oil and Gas Exploration and Production company with operations in North America and the Middle East.

In the context of its negotiations to renew its Development and Production Sharing Agreement with Qatar Petroleum (QP) on the Idd El-Shargi Field, Oxy ordered a full audit of its operations, to ensure that its operations were aligned with industry best practice, international and national regulations, and internal corporate OPQL standards.

Activities / Tasks and Solutions developed by Aegide International

A multi-disciplinary team was mobilized to cover the following operational expertise:

  • Drilling operaitons
  • Marine operations
  • EHS in process and production
  • Asset integrity management
  • Emergency response and preparedness

Five senior subject matter experts were mobilized to conduct a documentary review of the management systems, interview key personnel at corporate HQ and in the field, and observe critical operations.

Project results

The project led to the issuance of comprehensive audit report with a robust action plan to further improve operational performance


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