SPI PHARMA - Customized training NEBOSH IGC & IOSH Managing Safely

Client name: SPI PHARMA (www.spipharma.com)
Name of the project: Custom NEBOSH IGC & IOSH Managing Safely training courses

Description of project and customer issues

  • Spi Pharma wanted to strengthen the knowledge in terms of Occupational Safety of the Management Committee and the main clients in order to have the same level of understanding, to have a language, a common approach and to be able to distil a new safety culture on the whole organization.
  • As a second step and in parallel, in order to apply this common approach to all employees, SPI PHARMA wanted to train its supervisory staff, supervisors and influencers, including staff representatives, in risk analysis and understanding of roles and responsibilities of each in terms of occupational safety.

Activities / Tasks and Solutions developed by Aegide International

Pour satisfaire les objectifs de SPI PHARMA, Aegide International a proposé la délivrance de formations certifiantes Nebosh et IOSH personnalisées. Ces formations ont été complétées des spécificités de la gestion SST de SPI PHARMA et ont intégré des interactions sur le terrain.

Project results

Aegide International has trained 80 people:

  • a Nebosh IGC training for CODIR staff
  • 3 IOSH “Managing OSH” training sessions for its supervisory staff, supervisors and influencers.

To standardize all of the basic knowledge in OHS management, 4 operator awareness sessions were delivered.
After the trainings, the Nebosh training participants provided their own inspection and the IOSH training participants provided numerous risk analyzes.

These are all data that SPI PHARMA can use to implement a structured action plan that will serve as communication to all employees.

In addition to these deliverables, the intensity of the training provided in a short period of time has enabled employees to become aware of the importance of safety at work and certain behaviors have evolved both among managers and among operators and technicians. The resources put in place for these trainings sent an important signal to the entire organization.

[INTERVIEW] – Patricia DELACROSE – Directrice Général – SPI Pharma

Hello Ms. DELACROSE, could you first tell us about your company?

SPI Pharma France belongs to a SPI Pharma Inc group based in the United States. The SPI Pharma group offers innovations in formulation and technical support in more than 55 countries. 

The products manufactured and marketed in France include the antacid active ingredients as such and preformulated, adjuvants for vaccines, calcium and magnesium ingredients for mineral supplements and catalyst supports.

The SPI Pharma Group is owned by ABF Associated British Foods, a diverse international food, ingredient and retail group with operations in 50 countries. The group has significant activities all over the world.

What observation made you wonder about the safety culture within your company? 

A growing number of work accidents perceived by too many people as "bad luck"

Following this observation, what were the conclusions and defined objectives?

A “Safety Culture” diagnosis made among all employees highlighted a distortion of perception of safety at work with identity markers anchored in the corporate culture such as “You have to be careful when working” where some employees did not feel concerned about security. They acted more out of instinct and considered accidents to be inevitable.

We have decided to send a strong signal through the Management Committee.

Why did you choose the Nebosh IGC and IOSH Managing Safely training courses?

We needed to strengthen the knowledge in terms of Occupational Safety of the Management Committee and the main contractors in order to have the same level of understanding, to have a language, a common approach and to be able to distil a new safety culture. across the organization. Nebosh seemed to meet this objective. So we trained 11 people.

Dans un 2ème temps et en parallèle, afin de décliner cette approche commune à l’ensemble des salariés, nous avons décidé de former les encadrants, superviseurs et influenceurs incluant les représentants du personnel à l’analyse de risque et à la compréhension des rôles et responsabilités de chacun en matière de sécurité au travail.  IOSH semblait répondre à cet objectif. Nous avons donc formé 30 personnes supplémentaires. Ainsi, 60% du personnel a été formé sur le site.

Did these trainings meet your expectations?

Yes. Nebosh training took place over 3 months at a rate of 1 week per month including exam revisions. The training, although very oriented preparation for certification, allowed all trainees to acquire a level of in-depth knowledge and a uniqueness of approach for the Management Committee which is made up of a very heterogeneous population in terms of professions.

La formation IOSH s’est déroulée sur 3 jours par session sur 3 groupes de 10 personnes chacun et sur 2 mois. Elle a rassemblé des interlocuteurs d’horizon et de métiers différents et a fédéré autour d’un objectif l’acquisition de compétences fondamentales en matière de sécurité tout en associant les connaissances au contexte particulier de l’entreprise.

What future is expected for the occupational health / safety aspect at SPI Pharma? 

These 2 types of training provided, as part of the certifications, material on which to work. Indeed, at the end of the trainings, the Nebosh trainees provided us with their own inspection and the IOSH trainees provided us, through the trainer, with numerous risk analyzes.

This is all data that we are currently using to implement a structured action plan that will serve as a communication basis to all employees.

In addition to these deliverables, the intensity of the training provided in a short period of time has made employees aware of the importance of safety at work and certain behaviors are starting to change among managers as well as among operators and technicians. The resources put in place for these trainings sent an important signal to the entire organization.

What do you think of the services provided within your company? ?

Training courses with a well-established content, great professionalism on the part of the trainer who has adapted his approach to suit the trainees without ever losing sight of the expected deliverables. The tests attest to this.

The final word?

The Aegide International system was an adequate response to our problem. Nebosh training is very intense, preparation for certification requires a large personal investment. The IOSH trainees have made a positive return on a personal and professional basis, it too was perceived by some as too short in relation to the information to digest.


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Assistance Technique

Aegide International seconded one of its employees to successively manage 2 HSE projects.


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