Total - Road safety training

Client name: Total (
Name of the project: Training of Expatriate Staff to French Licensing Requirements and Corporate Defensive Driving Standards

Description of project and customer issues

Since 2003 Total deploy worldwide large-scale program in all their subsidiaries. Its principal aim is to reduce the number of road accidents by placing the emphasis on training drivers and ensuring the technical monitoring of the fleet. This approach involves all the players (transporters, drivers, etc.) as part of efforts to achieve progress. It covers all fields of transportation. Aegide International team deployed a several defensive driving training for Total employees worldwide. In France Aegide has 2 training centers for Total employees.

Activities / Tasks and Solutions developed by Aegide International

This project involved the provision of the following services:

  • Assist Total Employees on defensive driving trainings,
  • Train Trainers for the deployment of the program
  • Ensure driving license lessons and road safety programs

Project results

Aegide International a aidé plus de 600 expatriés à obtenir un permis de conduire français.


See other case studies


Safety golden rules drafting guidelines

In our previous article, we laid the foundations of the approach by exploring the importance of implementing safety golden rules. In this new article, we're going to explain the second stage, which is just as crucial to ensuring a proper implementation: Drafting the safety golden rules.

All the case studies

TERANGA GOLD - Kirkpatrick Level 2

Be able to develop a training programme that meets the minimum requirements for level 2 as set out in the Kirkpatrick model.


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